How to get to Fattoria di Montemaggio:
When traveling to Montemaggio, please do not rely on Navigators or Google maps as its directions are misguided and often recommend travellers to take roads that are out of the way. If you have a doubt please call us, write us a message, or reach out on social media.
Road instructions
If you are coming From North: please put in GPS or Google – PANZANO IN CHIANTI. In the main square of Panzano (Piazza Gastone Bucciarelli) on your left side you will find a small, steep street (via XX luglio) with the sign to Montemaggio (a little road where famous butcher Cecchini has his shop). You take this road, which soon becomes a GRAVEL one, please alway follow the signs to MONTEMAGGIO. After about 3/4km you than arrive at a junction where you will find written on the left, Volpaia and on the right, Radda in Chianti. You will have to follow for RADDA IN CHIANTI to the right. After just a little longer, you will find again on the right hand side the sign “Montemaggio”. Please follow that sign and soon you will see an open gate and sign “Fattoria di Montemaggio. Please enter and drive until the 2nd closed gate. Here please ring for Cantina/and/or Tasting/Degustation room. Here we are!
If you are coming From South: Please put in the navigator Castelvecchi, Radda in Chianti. After Castelvecchi starts the unpaved road, please follow it for 3/4km. After on the left you will find the sign to Montemaggio, please follow it. Soon you will pass in through an open gate with the sign “Fattoria di Montemaggio”. Please enter and drive until the 2nd closed gate. At the gate please ring for Cantina/and/or Tasting/Degustation room. Here we are!
* Please make sure you are coming just a little bit earlier then your booked tour – 5/10 mins earlier, to make sure you are all ready for your wonderful wine experience and no-one has to be delayed to start it.